20 Best Video Games Of The Decade

11. Celeste

Celeste SMB3
Matt Makes Games

On its face, Celeste is "just another side-scrolling pixel platformer", and while it's an immaculate one at that, the real depth and nuance comes from its script and themes.

By centring on protagonist Madeline and her need to climb a seemingly random mountain, the game becomes a metaphorical journey - a real test of our hero's character.

Soon enough, she comes up against a shadow version of herself; one that mocks, berates and doubts her. Used as a way to represent our own anxieties, worries and fears, the genius within Celeste is learning to understand your worst aspects, and work with them to achieve greater highs.

That message alone is exemplarily well delivered, and when the game is incredibly tight and momentous to play, it lets such a fresh, progressive creative vision be fully realised.

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