20 Best Video Games Of The Decade

12. The Witness

the witness
Thekla Inc.

Few games can blow your mind through sheer conception, but lead designer Jonathan Blow is operating on another level to the rest of humanity.

Not content with Braid being a multi-faceted dissection of an abusive relationship, then a metaphor for dropping nuclear bombs, The Witness is about how we interact, decode information and communicate.

Done through a series of increasingly elaborate grid puzzles, you'll go from discerning colours and shapes to recognising sound, physical space, and various other tests of your faculties. It's hard to put into words how your own brain will start processing the solutions to these puzzles, but it's all in service of picking apart the very way we see the world.

The Witness goes places no other piece of art ever has, or could, and it stands tall as something to be shared and cherished.

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God of War
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