20 Biggest Games Of 2014: What Do We Already Know?

1. Quantum Break (TBA 2014)

Possibly the most promising Xbox One exclusive that should release this year, Quantum Break appears to be an ambitious, visually stunning third-person-shooter, and coming from Max Payne's Remedy Entertainment, there's hope that it can do as much for the genre as that game did over a decade ago. The gameplay gimmick is that of time manipulation: giant catastrophes such as car wrecks on a bridge can be slowed down in order to create a new set-piece or environment on which you can engage in massive gun battles. How far the protagonist will be able to control these powers (they're the result of an accident) remains to be seen. The graphics, needless to say, look insane, and we've been promised that the live action cut-scenes will be seamlessly blended into the gameplay as well. If the execution can match up to the ambition (a fair bet given their previous work), this could be one of the very best games of the year. Will It Deliver? The mechanic looks too delicious not to make this at least a good game, and given the success Remedy has had with Max Payne and Alan Wake, the odds are in their favour for another rousing success. Are there any of your most anticipated games of the year we missed? Let us know in the comments!

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.