20 Biggest Games Of 2014: What Do We Already Know?

2. Sunset Overdrive (TBA 2014)

One of the more intriguing Xbox One exclusives to date is Sunset Overdrive, a colourful open-world shooter in which the player has to fend off a horde of mutants who have run amok after a non-specific catastrophe in the near-future. Though the E3 trailer didn't show any actual gameplay, it's a snazzy, bright artist's rendition of what the game's going to be: the emphasis is clearly on light, brisk movement, as you free-run around this open-world, leaping on ziplines, bouncing off walls and beating the snot out of anyone who gets in your way. It also appears to have a welcome sense of humour, which could make it a pleasant divergence from the glut of self-serious shooters coming our way this year. Hopefully some actual gameplay footage will surface soon so that we can judge for ourselves... Will It Deliver? Details are still pretty slim despite a year-end release being promised, but this seems like the sort of game in short supply at the moment: it boasts the usual shooter elements, but with its tongue lodged in its cheek. This could be just the palate cleanser we need, and optimism is high.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.