20 Biggest Games Of 2015: What Do We Already Know?

20. The Order: 1886

Release Date: February 20. What It's About: The Order is a PS4 exclusive set in an alternate history Victorian-era London, in which an order of knights protect the world from a gang of half-breed monsters. In the middle of the war, your quest is to rid the world of the beasts once and for all. The Buzz: Developer Ready at Dawn has worked on a number of acclaimed games in the past (the PSP God of War games and cult platformer Okami), while co-developer SCE Santa Monica Studio have delivered the main God of War series and have a fine history of collaborating with other studios on successful projects. The footage shown off so far promises a visually stunning game that seamlessly blends cut-scenes and gameplay, even though earlier play-tests last year did report technical issues. Will the gameplay itself measure up to the visuals? Will It Be Any Good?: Early play-throughs over the last week reported play-times as short as 5 hours, with roughly 2 hours of that time being comprised of cut-scenes. General consensus on the gameplay is that it's decent enough if rather linear, and if you want the game to be more than a rental, play it on higher difficulties. The review embargo broke just today, and reviews are decidedly mixed, so proceed at your own peril.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.