20 Biggest Games Of 2015: What Do We Already Know?

19. Mortal Kombat X

Release Date: April 14. What It's About: The first new Mortal Kombat game since 2011's acclaimed reboot, X is a continuation of the previous game's story, with the iconic fighters fans know and love taking the leap to current-gen platforms. The Buzz: The last MK game was a blast, so there's pretty high expectations for this one. While the decision to give the female characters more believable proportions has been met with some controversy, the Faction Wars mode (in which players pick one of five sides and earn points for that faction) sounds like great fun, and the graphics look superbly grisly. Will It Be Any Good?: Even if it's just an acceptable entry that doesn't do a whole lot to improve upon the previous game, it'll still be worth playing. Maybe it won't be worth buying at full price, but it'd be a huge shock if the game was a total bust.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.