20 Biggest WTF Gaming Moments Of The Decade (So Far)

10. Raiden Tosses A Metal Gear RAY Across A City (Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance)

Platinum Games are some of the most talented chaps and chappettes we've got in the industry, creating ludicrous game after ludicrous game (from Bayonetta to Vanquish, and next year the dragon-partnering Scalebound), but one thing they'd not tried their hand at was expanding on someone else's mythology. Enter MG Rising, something that was essentially Raiden's reintroduction scene from Metal Gear Solid 4 expanded into a full game. Your abilities were positively ridiculous and the dialogue was delivered with appropriate 90s action gusto - but the moment you really realised it was on (like Donkey Kong), was just as you were about to be smashed by a giant Metal Gear RAY. MGS fans will remember this amphibian-looking creatures from the close of MGS 2, but in sharp contrast to trying to feebly take them down with a limited amount of rockets and hoping for the best, future cyborg Raiden simply grabs the thing's arm, spins it around and launches it about six blocks down the street.
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Gaming Editor

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