20 Biggest WTF Gaming Moments Of The Decade (So Far)

11. Splinter Cell Goes First-Person (Blacklist)

Ubisoft aren't ones to miss out on any money-making schemes they can sink their teeth into, and although Splinter Cell is by all accounts a stealth game through and through, they somehow thought it'd be 'cool' to throw in a couple of first-person sections. Perhaps it was to appeal to the Call of Duty/Battlefield crowd for the sake of a screenshot? Who knows. In reality, it amounted to whenever you'd switch control to fellow Cell, Isaac Briggs, you were forced to progress through some of the same areas you'd just snuck through as Sam, except this time blowing the holy hell out of everything. Let's hope whenever Ubi get round to announcing a new Splinter Cell, these sections get taken out altogether - there's not a fan on earth that wants a dedicated first-person Splinter Cell, nor will there ever be.
Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.