20 Biggest WTF Gaming Moments Of The Decade (So Far)

8. "JAY-son" "...Jason?" "JAAAAY-son" (Heavy Rain)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cgOti7gLus Oh David Cage, you so crazy. The French narrative wizard is forever trying to blur the lines between games and movies, his now-trademark style being a heady mix of quick-time event cutscenes and the occasional explorative segment - the whole time trying to feed you one hell of an impactful story along the way. He scuffed it up on Fahrenheit/Indigo Prophecy and Beyond: Two Souls, but Heavy Rain is the sweet spot, the middle-chapter of his big budget creative output that for the most part, nails everything it's going for... providing you can put up with a bunch of random actors doing their best American accents. There are an abundance of bad line reads that the studio just didn't have the resources to course-correct, but the funniest comes right at the beginning, when the useless child Jason (...Jason?) wanders off in a mall, leading to father Ethan calling out his name in a variety of canned soundbites. The best part is you trigger these with a push of 'X', and the ability to keep prodding the button keeps popping up - meaning seas of "JAYSON! jason?! JAY-SON"-lines abounded, making it one of the most unintentionally hilarious in quite some time.
Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

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