20 Biggest WTF Gaming Moments Of The Decade (So Far)

7. The Boss Didn't Die In Snake Eater... Is An A.I. Now (Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker)

https://youtu.be/Z9Dr8vrjCVY?t=175 Remember that moment in Metal Gear Solid 2, where you realised Hideo Kojima had completely gone off the deep end, creating characters that could survive headshots, unwillingly dodge bullets and wield octopus-armoured super-suits? It was the turning point in the franchise, and the time we all realised Hideo was going to expand, warp and contort his baby in any direction he pleased. You were either in, or you were out, and that divided a lot of more casual fans who simply couldn't get on board with an androgynous fop replacing their beloved Solid Snake. So flash-forward to 2010 and there's another baffling leap in logic. Not only does The Boss from MGS 3 re-appear first on an audio recording, baffling Snake, as he quite literally shot her in the face. As the story progresses though, you find out one Dr. Strangelove programmed an insanely elaborate A.I. to mimic her thoughts, voice and intuition. As you do. However - and get this - the 'soul' of the Boss manifests right after the new computer is placed into a deadly new Metal Gear, overtaking the circuitry and drowning the thing in the lake, because real-life flesh n' blood Boss only ever wanted nuclear disarmament all along.
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Gaming Editor

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