20 Biggest WTF Moments In GTA History

12. The Phil Collins Cameo

GTA Phil Collins
Rockstar Games

With stars like David Cross and even Samuel L. Jackson having lent their vocal talents to the series over the years, Grand Theft Auto is a series very familiar with the odd celebrity cameo. Not all of them have always made sense, however, and Phil Collins' cameo in GTA: Vice City Stories was such an example.

Featuring as himself in the game, Collins appears in Vice City for a concert despite numerous threats against his life being made. The player is tasked with keeping Collins alive in the game, and is later rewarded by an in-game rendition of 'In The Air Tonight'.

The fact that Collins, who had previously been burned by Rockstar-esque parody thanks to his South Park "appearances", would willingly lend himself to a series like Grand Theft Auto was a pretty big shock, and one it's unlikely the developers will be able to replicate in future.


Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times. Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.