20 Biggest WTF Moments In Pokémon History
3. Gary's Dead Raticate

One of the craziest moments in Pokémon history comes in the form of a fan theory that started to circle the internet a few years back. The theory involves the first generation games and deals with the sudden disappearance of one of your rival's Pokémon.
In a nutshell, this theory suggests that the Raticate your rival used in early battles actually died as a result of the injuries it sustained in your battle aboard the S.S. Anne. The theory points to evidence like your rival asking if you know what it's like to have a Pokémon die and the fact that he's in Lavender Town to lay it to rest at the Pokémon Tower.
There's further support in a hypothesis that explains your rival was unable to save his severely injured Pokémon thanks to the overcrowding and confusion aboard the luxury ship. It should really be easy to brush this theory off as nonsense, but I just can't help but wonder if I really was responsible all those years ago...
I'll never call my Pokémon rival 'Douche' again!