20 Biggest WTF Moments In Pokémon History

17. Parasect Confirms The Existence Of China

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The Pokémon Company

Before Pokémon Go arrived to take over the lives of millions of smartphone owners, we could only dream about the possibility of Pokémon existing in the real world. That is, unless a few of Parasect's Pokédex entries from earlier generations are to be believed.

In Pokémon Fire Red, for example, the entry suggests that real world countries do exist within the world of the game. In this entry it's explained that the "toxic spores" it produces "are used as herbal medicine" in China. That's right, folks; apparently the Pokémon region map is supposed to be based somewhere on Earth.

A description like this opens up all sorts of questions; do Pokémon live in these places within the games? Will we ever get to go to a real location in a future generation? Does this mean that Parasects are swarming around Chinese Poké Stops?

No one can really answer these questions, of course, but the confirmation that the Pokémon games apparently take place within our world is definitely a surprising one.

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Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times. Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.