20 Comic Book Video Games You Must Play Before You Die
14. Scribblenauts Unmasked
One of the ultimate packages for fan service, the Scribblenauts games previously made their name by letting you think of any word (or combination of a few) before spawning such a creation in to help complete a string of levels. Think a "Giant angry chicken" would work best to demolish a building? Type it out and it'll arrive, snorting as it goes. Apply this design to the world of DC, and you can conjure everything from a Batman-themed jetpack, to scores of individual heroes, weapons, items, apparel and the standard Scribblenauts dictionary of words to tag on either end. Gameplay is a solid side-scrolling affair that retains the other games' predisposition for puzzle-solving, albeit this time round with a comic book twist. You'll occasionally delve into slightly more action-focussed scenarios where enemies need to be taken care of (and summoning Green Lantern or Superman to swoop in and do the job works a treat), but just plumbing the depths of such an encyclopaedic database of all things DC always yields some of the most obscure and fun results.