20 Most Competitive Video Games Of All Time

3. Counter-Strike

Beginning life as a Half-Life mod, Counter-Strike quickly grew to become one of gaming's greatest FPS titles. It's an entirely team-orientated game with many different objectives like defusing/planting a bomb or simply eliminating the opposing team. There are many sequels and remakes of this game (notably the Source update - aptly named Counter-Strike: Source) but the original title has maintained a steady popularity to this day. It also put Valve on the eSports map. The focus on competitive gaming is often credited as one of the major reasons for Counter-Strike's longevity and success. With multiple tournaments and competitions set up worldwide with prize money attached, Counter-Strike became an immensely popular game with the professional gamers. The emphasis on teamwork made it ideal for those already in clans and the need for quick reflexes meant that skilful play was rewarded greatly too. Both of these combined to ensure that Counter-Strike was one of the most played games around the world at one point in time. Even today, thousands play Counter-Strike on a regular basis; it's left an incredible impression on the world of gaming. Valve's constant updates meant there was always something new to enjoy (they also worked hard to stop the game's notorious cheats, including introducing the Valve Anti-Cheat system, now in nearly every Valve game) and the whole game feels like a love-letter to the FPS genre. Besides, you definitely need to own it because it's been included in just about every Steam sale since release - so you have no excuses not to sample this old school delight.

I have an addiction to achievements, a craving for new bands and a dream to become Captain America. I once finished second in a Mario Kart 7 tournament so I'm kind of a big deal.