20 Most Criminally Underrated Video Games Of All Time

10. Binary Domain

Sega were fighting an uphill battle with this one from the moment it showed up on store shelves, plastered in what must rank highly on the "Most Generic Action-Game Box Art" charts, and with a name which just screams mediocrity. Also, a shooter that wasn't set in the Middle East or dodgy bits of Eastern Europe was always going to be a hard sell back in 2012, even if it was built on a foundation of inspired game design. Which is unfortunate, because hidden under a thick layer of near-future shooter cliches and "robots gone wild" schlock was an especially charming diamond. We'll overlook the shoddy voice control aspects, and rather fondly think back to the clever squad reputation system, the shamelessly thrilling gunplay which allowed us to blast specific bits and pieces off of our robot foes and watch them pull themselves along the ground with their remaining limbs, and the inventive art style that reminded us that we weren't playing yet another modern warfare rip off.

Game-obsessed since the moment I could twiddle both thumbs independently. Equally enthralled by all the genres of music that your parents warned you about.