20 Most Criminally Underrated Video Games Of All Time
9. Secret Of Evermore
Square Enix's stable of role-playing games is beyond compare, but it's mostly packed to the rafters with Final Fantasy games which take themselves very seriously. But back in 1995, a division of Square based in North America put their own Western spin on the genre, and with stunning results. Secret Of Evermore radiated a totally different atmosphere compared to the overbearing tone of the high-profile Square titles, a stunning once-off from a fledgeling development team which injected some real American flavor into the genre. Western RPGs were hardly a new concept, but Secret Of Evermore was unique in that its underlying structure was pure JRPG. It was a hybrid concept which could have paid of massively and cracked the colossal US market wide open, but instead it was picked up by the few who were already into JRPGs and pretty much overlooked by everyone else. A lovingly created game with a light-hearted approach to an often overly melodramatic sub-genre. It should have gone on to be the beginning of another huge RPG dynasty, but instead wilted away into obscurity.
Game-obsessed since the moment I could twiddle both thumbs independently. Equally enthralled by all the genres of music that your parents warned you about.