20 Most Frustrating Video Game Moments Ever

2. Super Nova - Final Fantasy VII

Final Fantasy ViiSquare EnixReturning to our earlier complaint about lengthy, unskippable cut-scenes, we come to the King of the unskippable cut-scenes in the Final Fantasy franchise. The most infuriating attack in the entire series comes in the form of Safer-Sephiroth's Super Nova, which doesn't just deal about 90% damage to all of your party and cast random status effects, but also takes over two freaking minutes to execute. That's right, if you fail this boss fight (which you probably will), insult to injury is added by having to helplessly sit through this unskippable, hilariously over-the-top video of Sephiroth wrecking the solar system with his magic powers again and again. By comparison, that Prince of Persia cut-scene doesn't seem so bad. This is just agonisingly overlong, and it's difficult to imagine what Square were thinking when they allowed it to be put into the game without a skip option. It's basic common sense: nobody is going to want to sit through this ridiculous animation more than once, and when you're already getting your butt kicked by old Sephy, it only makes us angrier and therefore more liable to make another mistake.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.