20 Most Frustrating Video Game Moments Ever

19. Getting Teabagged - Halo

Halo 4343 IndustriesHalo may have created a living, breathing sci-fi world quite unlike any other, but it also introduced players to one other phenomenon: teabagging. That's right: you can't go more than about two minutes of playing any Halo game online before someone will kill you and then start humping your corpse by crouching and standing in quick succession, resembling the sexual act of the same name. If you're the one giving, it's hilarious and you're the most original comic of your generation, but if you're the one receiving, and you're forced to watch this hideous display until you can respawn, it's incredibly annoying and obnoxious. While part of the frustration is in how overdone and old-hat the whole teabagging craze is, there is the potential for the teabagging player to be killed by another enemy while they're busy desecrating your corpse, which will never get old...unless you're the one teabagging. This will often kick-start a chain of teabagging, and, well, this whole thing has just been out of control for a while now...
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.