20 Goriest Video Game Scenes Ever

10. Ryse: Son Of Rome - Slice 'N Dice

From Greece to Rome, Ryse, in contrast to the former entry, is lighter on the whole 'deity' thing, and more about war between one of history's greatest empires and the nations it subjugated. Developer Crytek's penchant for delivering the greatest visual fidelity possible with the hardware available gave rise (pun intended) to one of the Xbox One's strongest and most enjoyable launch exclusives. Sure, the campaign was laughably short, but the game more than made up for its lack of narrative with some visceral and enjoyable combat. Lopping off as many limbs as possible is the order of the day for your Roman warrior in Ryse, and by the time you feel confident enough to enter the game's arena mode, it's that skill that's going to ensure your survival. Legs, arms, heads and even guts, it doesn't matter what part of the body your enemy treasures most, they're going to lose at least one of them before their life is bought to a swift and gory end. https://youtu.be/bE39-VcM2M8

Joe is a freelance games journalist who, while not spending every waking minute selling himself to websites around the world, spends his free time writing. Most of it makes no sense, but when it does, he treats each article as if it were his Magnum Opus - with varying results.