20 Greatest Ever Pokemon Designs

18. Zorua

Zorua Zorua is another Pokémon that conveys an air of dark mystery, but in a slightly more adorable way. Instead of looking like it could tell the future it looks like it could ruin your life in the middle of a cuddle, and then look so cute that you wouldn€™t mind at all. It€™s a dangerous combination that would probably lead me to ruin if Pokémon were actually real. Zorua is based off a fox cub, which suits my usual fondness for Pokémon that look just a little like animals. It flips the generally red and black colour scheme that foxes have going on, instead being predominantly black with little red bits standing out. This makes it unique. One of the few problems with Swanna is that it resembles a swan a little too closely. Zorua carries the slight resemblance, but is a creature entirely of its own. It also carries associations of myth with it. Foxes have always been regarded as at least slightly mythical creatures, especially in Japan where the games are made. Zorua carries a slight impression of a kitsune, a mythical fox that could transform into human shape while keeping its tail. Part of the mythology surrounding Zorua is that it can change into any appearance that it pleases. And, although it took a bit of research to find that fact out, its appearance actually conveys that wonderfully €“ instead of just being a simple fox it looks like it could be something a hell of a lot more dangerous. Yet another thing that it might€™ve been based on is the traditional image of a ninja, dressed all in black and ready to cause havoc. Zorua also conveys this very well, carrying an air of mystery that makes you think that it could move quietly to commit some mischief. The official art of Zorua gives it a certain glint in the eye and delicacy to the paw. It is truly a design that suggests a certain something beyond sight. Adorable and yet dangerous, Zorua has a design that definitely works. It satisfies both my desire for cute things and mayhem. And it is only a pity that it is an event Pokémon and so cannot be captured and hoarded in my box forever.
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A Classical Studies and English Literature university student. Interested in most things ancient, Shakespeare and Doctor Who (Mainly Doctor Who, I will admit). Apparently now a vaguely official writer-type person, which is something that may never stop being a shock.