20 Greatest Ever Pokemon Designs

17. Munchlax


I feel almost as if I like Munchlax despite myself. I don€™t usually have a fondness for baby Pokémon, I find them nauseatingly cute and usually want them nowhere near me. I also don€™t have a fondness for Snorlax, which is what Munchlax must eventually evolve into €“ I admire its narrative role, but find the Pokémon itself near repulsive. As a result Munchlax should be right down the bottom of my list€ And yet somehow it managed to worm its way into my cold dead heart. I think part of my fondness must come from how it looks in its sprite for the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon games. It just looks so amiable, so happy with life. Granted, in those games most of the Pokémon look like they€™re smiling €“ but Munchlax actually looks natural, like it€™s perfectly happy to be there. It€™s probably a silly thing to say, since it really is just a bunch of pixels that should have no effect on a sensible adult, but it just looks so happy to see me that I can€™t help but feel warmed. Munchlax has a design that makes you feel cheerful, and that is something that should be valued. Most Pokémon look badass, which is great, but very few look like they€™d welcome a conversation and make you feel better afterwards. Munchlax just isn€™t designed for battle. And, while that would usually make me irritated, something about its design just makes me feel fond instead. This design was possibly based on a baby bear, and that can be seen in the rolls of fat and cute little fangs. The fact that it only vaguely resembles a baby bear is one of its strengths, though. I debated putting Teddiursa on this list, but eventually decided that its permanently surprised expression tended to make me slightly annoyed instead of warm and fuzzy. Munchlax somehow creates the opposite emotion, the vague association giving a sense of warmth while the originality and quiet adorableness makes me a lot less likely to retch. €And this section will probably descend to mindless cooing and flailing if I type for any longer. I am not entirely sure why I like Munchlax€™s design so much, but I definitely do. It looks like something you€™d like to cuddle, but isn€™t so manipulatively adorable that it offends the eye. It€™s a nice balance, and is one that should work for far more baby Pokémon.
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A Classical Studies and English Literature university student. Interested in most things ancient, Shakespeare and Doctor Who (Mainly Doctor Who, I will admit). Apparently now a vaguely official writer-type person, which is something that may never stop being a shock.