20 Greatest Gaming Moments Of 2014

3. Meeting An Old 'Friend'

One of the main reasons for Shadow of Mordor's critical success this year was the brilliant Nemesis system. It meant that any Uruk that manages to get the killing blow on Talion will develop their own unique look and personality, growing stronger in both power and status. It might have been simple smoke and mirrors, but the seamless implementation of the Nemesis system was nothing short of incredible. It really made you want to kill the sneering Uruks that got off a lucky shot, especially when they begin taunting you and turning up during already tricky fights. Best of all was when an Uruk you thought was dead came back hours later, this time missing a limb or brandishing an eye patch. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66Dlc-nFOUw
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Tom Butler hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.