20 Greatest PC Games Of All Time

3. Baldur's Gate II: Shadows Of Amn

Baldur's Gate. Two words that are enough to make any long-time RPG fan drool with nostalgia. Bioware's Baldur's Gate II, based on the Dungeons & Dragons rule set, is still fondly remembered as one of the best-loved PC games of this millennium. Though complex, Baldur's Gate II was highly polished and easy to learn, making it simple for even younger gamers to get into. It continued the high standards of writing and characterisation seen in the first Baldur's Gate, while introducing a larger, more ambitious adventure for players to sink their teeth into. Although Baldur's Gate II is primarily known for its story, it also had a beautifully designed combat system. Rather than the long, drawn out battles that are typically seen in RPG games, Baldur's Gate II's encounters were fast and deadly, with an emphasis placed on planning and preparation in the moments leading up to the fight.
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