20 Greatest Shooters Ever Made

15. Battlefield: Bad Company 2

The Battlefield series has gotten a lot of bad rep over the last few years, thanks to EA and DICE's poor handling of the many bugs that have plagued the games, along with an overwhelming amount of DLC. The core game has always been a lot of fun though, and Battlefield: Bad Company 2 represents the series' high point. Bad Company 2 was able to offer the same level of epic, squad warfare that the series has made a name for itself with, while successfully adapting this for a console audience. The result was a Battlefield game that was incredibly easy to drop in and play, while retaining a tremendous amount of depth (with no irritating monthly DLC packs). The franchise has gone on to feature better physics systems and prettier graphics capabilities, but Bad Company 2 is still the king when it comes to the gameplay.
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