18 Greatest Video Game Villains Of The 2000s

4. Vaas Montenegro - Far Cry 3

As mentioned in the Pagan Min entry, Ubisoft have entered into an era of writing really ridiculously over the top characters for the Far Cry series, yet it was set in motion with the overwhelmingly positive reception of Vaas back in 2012. Brought to life by Better Call Saul's Michael Mando, Vaas' initially scene-stealing debut slowly peters out throughout the game as there's many allusions made to his villainous ways infecting your psyche - eventually ending with you taking him on in one big hallucination. However, all that doesn't take away from any of the scenes he's in, his face being instantly recognisable as one of the most iconic villains in modern gaming, or the fact that Mando himself is constantly either dressing up to reprise the role or being asked to do lines from the game any time he shows up at a convention. That is without question, the mark of a defining performance.
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