20 Most Important Gaming Deaths This Decade

1. Reggie Rowe - Infamous: Second Son (2014)

Reggie Rowe is the brother of Infamous: Second Son's protagonist, Delsin, the Sheriff of Salmon Bay and the only character who seems capable of keeping his Conduit brother in line. Though he is disturbed by Delsin's abilities, family still comes first, even if he can't help but think of his kind as so-called Bioterrorists. Just as Reggie begins to see the Conduits as human beings, however, his time runs out: the game's antagonist Augustine attacks the pair, leaving Reggie dangling from a bridge, with her concrete powers about to consume both him and Delsin, who is desperately holding onto his brother. Reggie then decides to sacrifice himself to save Delsin, falling into the ocean depths as Delsin looks on in horror. Infamous: Second Son might not have quite been the killer app for the PS4 that we were hoping for, but the combination of this sibling bond storyline and the superb facial animation made it one of the more believable gaming relationships in recent memory. Plus, Reggie's death gave us even more motivation to harness those awesome powers. Did we miss any important deaths from the last decade in gaming? Let us know in the comments!

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.