20 Infuriating Video Game Bosses Nobody Beat First Time

3. Malus (Shadow Of The Colossus)

A title that pretty much wrote the rulebook on creating bosses full of wonder, whimsy and intrigue, taking down each towering Colossus in Shadow of the Colossus always felt like a significant and unforgettable experience. And just like every boss you encountered in this iconic PS2 release, the showdown with Malus required an absolute tour de force performance in stamina, patience and pure skill. Malus is difficult to beat because just reaching the final Colossus requires a monumental effort; dodging attacks that can throw you right back to square one and timing rushes between cover is a frustrating endeavour that you have to completely master before you can even get a hit on the boss himself. But once you made it through the set-piece's mammoth labyrinth, the actual act of defeating Malus wasn€™t so hard; as long as you focused on quick hits rather than long and drawn out power attacks you should have been fine. However, even then one slip up would have had you climbing through the long and dangerous maze all over again.

Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3