20 Infuriating Video Game Bosses Nobody Beat First Time

18. Kessler (Infamous)

As far as video game bosses go, InFamous€™ Kessler wasn't actually that difficult once you understood his super-powered patterns, however that didn't mean the game€™s primary antagonist wouldn't get in more avoidable player deaths than players would be willing to admit. With his tendency to assault the player character with a barrage of electrical thunderbolts, the boss€™ aggressive offensive can be difficult to manoeuvre if you get caught in the crossfire. However, keep on the defensive during this assault and launch your counter attack during Kessler€™s cool-down period and you€™ll be beating Infamous€™ final challenge in no time. So while not particularly difficult or deep once you fully get to grips with what you€™re supposed to do, the main cause of death with this boss was more often than not down to the player themselves, running head-first into battle and getting overconfident always assured a certain death scenario against this super-powered time traveller.

Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3