20 Mind-Blowing Facts You Didn't Know About Silent Hill

10. There's An Arcade Game

There have been many inexplicable left turns in the history of the Silent Hill series. Konami snatching away the development from Team Silent and thinking they could produce a better product for much less money was a headscratcher. Doubly so when it resulted in stuff like Silent Hill: Book Of Memories, an isometric RPG game for the Playstation Vita, a sort of Gauntlet clone with Pyramid Head. Even more peculiar than that entry, though, was Silent Hill: The Arcade. For the most part, on consoles Silent Hill is about a solitary, oppressive game experience. Playing the game puts you in much the same position as the character you're controlling: confused, scared, powerless, and alone. How can you ruin all four of those things? Why, by turning Silent Hill into a House Of The Dead-style lightgun game, of course! Foregoing the usual survival horror thang, Silent Hill: The Arcade instead lets you shoot all of those monsters that seemed so indestructible and nightmarish before. In familiar locales, which you can't explore, because it's all on rails. It takes about an hour to play through, so you'd need a lot of quarters.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/