20 Mind-Blowing Things You Didn’t Know About Pokémon

15. There's A Pokémon In All Of Us

Uri Gellar Pokemon

Scientists are a weird bunch, and they come up with crazy names for their discoveries. In 2008, one such science team based in Japan discovered a protein which helps people to see properly. This protein was given the nickname 'Pikachurin' - apparently because the protein is really good with electricity, and mimics Pikachu's "lightning-fast moves and shocking electric effects".

Honestly, it's kind of of disappointing that it doesn't let people shoot lightning from our finger tips - but at least it proves that scientists do actually have a sense of humour.

There's also a gene in our bodies called Sonic Hedgehog, which unfortunately does not let us run as fast as Sonic. Damn you, science!


Matty Coxhill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.