20 More Things Only Dark Souls Fans Will Understand

18. Not Knowing Whether To Trust Messages

Dark Souls

You’ve just got through a gauntlet of truly terrible enemies. You’ve used loads of your estus flasks and you feel like, finally, you’re making progress.

Then you spot a message, just right at the edge of a cliff. The message proclaims something to the effect of ‘try jumping off’ or ‘treasure below!’ and you suddenly find yourself in a terrible quandary.

Can you trust this message? You can see that others player have rated it, but there’s no way of telling whether they’ve rated it bad or good. Perhaps people voted it up because yes, there are some goodies below.

Or perhaps the people who voted it up are fellow trolls who enjoy luring unsuspecting undead to their deaths by flinging themselves off cliffs in the hopes of finding a new weapon.

With the Dark Souls player base being split between these trolls and actual nice people who want to help, it’s impossible to tell whether it’s true or not.

Then, before you know it, you’ve flung yourself off the cliff and you’re very, very dead as there’s absolutely nothing there at all.

Yeah cheers, fellow player!

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Dark Souls
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Dan Curtis is approximately one-half videogame knowledge, and the other half inexplicable Geordie accent. He's also one quarter of the Factory Sealed Retro Gaming podcast.