20 More Things Only Dark Souls Fans Will Understand

17. Thwacking Walls Repeatedly In Case There’s A Hidden Area

Dark Souls

Dark Souls is absolutely full of walls. The problem is, not all the walls are real, but are instead cunning passageways pretending to be solid matter.

If you’ve ever played Dark Souls, you’ll know first-hand how you’ll spend ages whacking your weapon off anything that looks wall-like to find those pesky illusory ones.

Sometimes you’ve got to think the developers are probably directly trolling us, as they’ll place walls inside alcoves and other mysterious passages that simply look like they definitely should be an illusory wall, but they aren’t.

This one even ties in with not knowing to trust messages or not. Sometimes there’ll be a message where it says, "illusory wall ahead!" and there really will be. Other times, there won’t be. You’ll still spend at least five tries hitting the same wall, thinking you’re doing something wrong, before finally believing you’ve been tricked.

In Dark Souls 2, it got even more baffling with illusory walls as you no longer had to strike them and instead press X/A to open them up. Bashing your weapon off of them did absolutely nothing.

Thankfully, weapon thwacking returned in Dark Souls 3.

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Dan Curtis is approximately one-half videogame knowledge, and the other half inexplicable Geordie accent. He's also one quarter of the Factory Sealed Retro Gaming podcast.