20 More Things Only Dark Souls Fans Will Understand

12. Not Having A Clue What’s Going On, But Loving It Anyway

Dark Souls

Alright, I'm undead, and I have to ring bells and stuff to do...something, and link fires together and that for...some reason or other. Fair enough, now let's kill some enemies.

The plot of Dark Souls is a tricky one to grasp. Unlike other games, it generally doesn't express its plot through big bouts of exposition and cut-scenes, instead using cryptic messages through NPCs and world-building to tell you what it's all about.

You'll find countless guides and excellent people on the internet who break down what all the plot means, but let's face it, 9 times out 10 you'll be wandering around without an absolute scooby doo of what's going on.

All you really need to know is there's big and nasty monsters that really want to kill you, and you need to kill them first before they do so. Anything else is just icing on the cake.

It's really easy to miss loads of the plot too depending on your interactions with NPCs and if you actually found them at the right moments. Can only imagine how many Dark Souls players left poor Knight Solaire to die horribly as they didn't finish his quest line.

And you call yourself Sun Bros? Pfft.

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Dark Souls
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Dan Curtis is approximately one-half videogame knowledge, and the other half inexplicable Geordie accent. He's also one quarter of the Factory Sealed Retro Gaming podcast.