20 Most Anticipated Video Games Of 2023

10. Fire Emblem Engage

video games 2023

Platforms: Nintendo Switch

Three years after Fire Emblem broke new ground with Three Houses - the best-selling game in the series by a considerable margin - developers Intelligent Systems look to build on their success with Fire Emblem Engage.

Intriguingly, Intelligent Systems are looking to the future by relying on the past. Previous Fire Emblem heroes like Marth, Roy and Celica have been confirmed to return, likely alongside other, yet-to-be-announced heroes. With Three Houses taking place in its own, separate world this represents a return to the Fire Emblems of old, but one incorporating the lessons learnt from the 2019 classic.

So what does that mean for us gamers? It means we will have a whole host of lovable characters to bond with during the game's downtime, and thrillingly tense tactical battles where you're only ever one mistake away from permanently killing off a beloved cast member. (Petra! You were so young...)

Fire Emblem games have always been particularly toothsome meals, and we can't wait to spend a few dozen hours devouring Intelligent Systems' latest dish.

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Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.