20 Most Anticipated Video Games Of 2023

4. Marvel's Spider-Man 2

video games 2023
Sony Interactive Entertainment

Platform: Playstation 5

It's safe to say the Spider-Man license is in safe hands with Insomniac Games.

The studio's 2018 Spider-Man game became the most successful Spider-Man game of all time (at time of writing it's legitimately the best-selling super-hero game ever), and 2020's Miles Morales shed some of the open-world bloat to become a tighter - dare we say, Superior - Spider-Man.

If Spider-Man 2 continues the series' upward trend then this will be very special indeed. Insomniac nailed the feeling of being Spider-Man first time round, and if they continue to exercise the restraint and clarity of vision they showed in Miles Morales then Spider-Man 2 has every chance of being the best super-hero game yet made.

(If you need further proof, Insomniac have a good track record when it comes to number twoes and yes we know how that sounds. Ratchet & Clank 2 was an excellent refinement of the original's formula, Resistance 2 blew the original out of the water and Sunset Overdrive 2... doesn't exist, but if it did we're sure it would have been great!

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Spider-Man 2
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Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.