20 Most Anticipated Video Games Of 2023

3. Starfield

video games 2023

Platforms: Xbox Series X and Series S, PC

Skyrim in Space.

That's the elevator pitch for Starfield, and frankly that's all we need to hear. Skyrim, for all its quirks, foibles and arrows to the knee, remains one of the most important games ever made, and seeing what its creators can do across entire solar systems is a mouthwatering prospect.

Admittedly, there were some grumbles earlier in the year when Starfield's gameplay preview opened up with the less-than-epic sight of a man collecting space-rocks. To us, however, this was the absolute perfect way to reveal the game to the public.

Bethesda's games have touched the hearts of so many precisely because they let you be as mundane as you like. Yes, there will be bandits to battle, strongholds to storm and planets to protect, but the knowledge that you can ignore all that in favour of going rock-hunting is precisely what makes Bethesda games great.

Whether you want to be a heroic Flash Gordon or moisture-farming Owen Lars, Starfield will have you covered.

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Spider-Man 2
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Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.