20 Most Anticipated Video Games Of 2023

14. Theatrhythm Final Bar Line

video games 2023
Square Enix

Platforms: Nintendo Switch

Nintendo's last couple of Nintendo Directs have been a bit hit and miss, but the announcement of a new Theatrhythm had us throwing our Switches in the air in joy. (Fortunately they landed safely on the sofa, saving us a stern talking to from our significant others).

The Theatrhythm games gather the greatest hits of every Final Fantasy soundtrack and drop them into an entertaining, finger-tapping rhythm RPG.

Watching the chibified Final Fantasy cast do battle while you tap along to the beat is a delight for all fans of Square Enix's most celebrated franchise, and one we can't wait to experience again.

We genuinely never thought we'd see another Theatrhythm game, but we're delighted to be wrong. And really, who wouldn't want another chance to bop along to the best collective soundtrack in gaming?

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Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.