20 Most Anticipated Video Games of 2025

15. Clair Obscur: Expedition 33

Grand Theft Auto VI Lucia
Sandfall Interactive

While a new RPG from an untested developer might give most a moment or two for pause, how many of them look this good?

Clair Obscur: Expedition 33 is a turn-based RPG taking place within a lavish Belle Époque setting, with a central cast portrayed by the beloved likes of Charlie Cox, Andy Serkis, and Ben Starr.

Our band of heroes team up to take down the Paintress, a God-like mega-villain with the unique ability to kill everyone whose age she draws in the sky - a power she's using to progressively cull the human race. That's... wild.

For starters, this is one hell of a gorgeous game coming from a no-name dev team, and for players frustrated with the AAA industry's wider move away from turn-based combat, its placement here is the icing on a very pretty cake.

Clair Obscur: Expedition 33 releases sometime in 2025.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.