20 Most Anticipated Video Games of 2025

14. Little Nightmares III

Grand Theft Auto VI Lucia
Supermassive Games

For a good while, it seemed like the Little Nightmares franchise was done after just two titles, when original developer Tarsier Studios was acquired by Embracer Group.

However, Little Nightmares III was given a surprise unveiling at Gamescom 2023, with Supermassive Games (Until Dawn) taking over the developmental reins from Tarsier.

Though the aesthetics and puzzle-based gameplay seem firmly in step with the two prior games, the threequel's big change-up is the inclusion of online co-op, allowing two pals to team up to control the two new protagonists, Low and Alone, as they traverse a nightmarish realm.

It's reasonable to expect impeccable vibes, a deeply weird story, and some of the most nauseatingly grotesque boss encounters of the entire year. It can't come soon enough.

Little Nightmares III releases sometime in 2025.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.