20 Most Intense Video Game Moments Ever

12. The Moon Reveal - The Legend Of Zelda: Majora's Mask

legend of zelda majora's mask

Like seeing Pyramid Head for the first time or coming face to half-torn face with a Necromorph, Majora's Mask excels when it comes to disturbing imagery that sticks in your mind forever.

It's still this weird outlier in the Zelda canon, reusing Ocarina of Time's engine and character models before rearranging them into a twisted, nightmarish one-off where you need to manipulate time to figure out a huge number of puzzles and quests, the reality of what you're up against doesn't hit you right away.

Rather, although you're told it's the end of the world, the reality of that doesn't land until you're humbly looking out across the planes with your telescope - only for antagonist Skull Kid to point upwards and BAM, there's a huge demonic, grinning moon glaring down.

Only Nintendo could twin Zelda's fairytale whims with a moon that looks like a demonic high school teacher after an afternoon of incessant noise, and it looks BRILLIANT.

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