20 Most Overrated Pokémon In History

19. Milotic

Charizard Anime
The Pokémon Company

Many people like to use a TM-laden Milotic as a way of fitting a dragon into their team that doesn't have to worry about the newly introduced Fairy type weakness. It's true Milotic is able to avoid many of the inherent problems with Dragon type use, but it makes up for these with plenty of issues of its own.

Firstly - and most obviously - Milotic will never be as effective at using Dragon type moves as an actual dragon would be due to the missing boost from STAB. Sure you could improve these with a held item like a Dragon Fang, but this only adds 20% power against the 50% from STAB.

This would possibly be passable if Milotic was able to benefit from the strongest Dragon type moves, but the only ones it can learn are middling at best. Dragon Pulse is the best it's ever going to get if you've got the patience to breed it on, and Dragon Tail works off Attack stat; something that Milotic is severely lacking.

Consider also that Milotic's base stat total is approximately sixty points less than that of most genuine Dragon types, and you'll see that you're definitely selling yourself short by banking on this imitation.

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Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times. Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.