20 Most Under-Appreciated Video Games Of The Decade (So Far)

3. Titanfall 2

Titanfall 2
Respawn Entertainment

If the first Titanfall wasn't marred by such a disastrous exclusivity association with the Xbox One, it would've taken off like nobody's business. Sadly even the sequel never got off the starting blocks thanks to releasing in the week between Call of Duty and Battlefield, though that hasn't stopped a diehard community logging in to play every month.

That said, Titanfall 2 deserves nothing but the highest of praise and the biggest player base around.

Right next to Destiny 2 when it comes to best first-person shooter combat on the planet, at any given time you'll be knee-sliding, summoning a huge Titan mech, delivering thunderous melee attacks, wall-running or using a grapple hook to fly across the map, coming crashing down on an unsuspecting foe.

There's a level of kineticism and relentless energy to Titanfall that makes it immediately playable, but once you get your head around its various systems and how to truly master them, there's nothing like it.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.