20 Most Under-Appreciated Video Games Of The Decade (So Far)
2. Fallout: New Vegas

Included not because Fallout: New Vegas isn't a well-known entry in the series, but because Obsidian never get the credit they deserve when it comes to developing an outstanding entry in the series.
Yes, it's incredibly buggy and yes, there's a lack of polish, but dammit if New Vegas isn't arguably a much more immersive and better RPG experience than Fallout 3 and 4. From the protagonist being a better fit for the post-apocalypse thanks to their job as a courier (thereby getting around the notion of questioning all they see) to having NPCs and quest chains comment on the bigger decisions you make, there's a much better sense of let's say, 'quality control', as oppose to the pure anarchy of Bethesda's entrants.
Even Bethesda acquired Fallout from the cult-beloved studio Black Isle in the first place, though a number of ex-Black Isle staffers actually make up Obsidian, letting New Vegas be something of a 'spiritual sequel', providing you know where to look.