20 Most Underrated Pokémon In History

15. Avalugg

Pokemon Avalugg
The Pokémon Company

Ice Type Pokémon suffer the joint fate of being deemed to be useful as they are terrific against Dragon Types, but also pointless as they can be so easily overcome by Fighting or Rock Types. The solution to the latter part of this? Get yourself a seriously tough Ice Type.

It may be one of the slowest Pokémon in the games, but when you're as defensively sound as an Avalugg you don't mind taking a couple of hits first. Avalugg's physical defence is unbelievably high, meaning that even super effective Fighting and Rock type moves won't be anywhere near as damaging as they would for something like a Weavile or Piloswine.

It does suffer from having a low Special Defence in comparison, but there's still enough in this to mean it can hold its own against virtually anything for at least a time. Get one with the Ice Body ability and couple this with Hail to help it become even more sturdy as it will regain a portion of HP for each turn that the ice is falling.

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Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times. Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.