20 Most Underrated Video Games Of 2016

7. The Witness

the witness
Thekla Inc.

Regardless of whether or not you 'got' what developer Jonathan Blow was going for in his latest masterwork, you at least have to be grateful that gaming as a medium can birth something as wildly original as The Witness in the first place.

Basically, the game serves as the digital embodiment of how we process and understand knowledge - shown through a variety of symbols and their utilisation on a simplistic puzzle interface. See, you'll have to pilot a dot from one side of a square to the other, but once you factor in what the symbols mean and how they relate to one another - something that happens naturally, without any tutorialisation - you'll slowly start to 'read' each puzzle like a language.

Think Matrix code, and how that movie's hackers could look at it and know exactly what was going on, and you're pretty much there. The Witness is an astounding achievement regardless of how much you like brain-breaking puzzles, and should be commended as such.

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Gaming Editor

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