20 Most Underrated Video Games Of 2016

4. Monster Hunter: Generations

monster hunter generations

One of the most addictive gameplay loops you can ever experience, Monster Hunter's streamlined approach in this 2016 incarnation is the most accessible yet.

Bolstering its standard "Bigger monsters, better loot" ideology with a refined camera system and a ton of one-tap special attacks, it's easier than ever to settle into an immersive rhythm of picking a quest or two, downing a hearty meal to boost your stats and journeying out to take down whatever screen-sized behemoth is looming on the horizon.

Before long you'll be crafting all sorts of weapons, armour and items from your downed enemies too, resulting in kitanas forged from jawlines or shoulder pads that match the skulls of whatever enemy was unlucky enough to get in your way the day before.

Seriously, there's nothing more freakin' badass than striding into battle with equipment built from the harvested corpses of your most fearsome foes.

Over to you, Horizon: Zero Dawn...

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