20 Most Underrated Video Games Of 2016

19. Gears Of War 4

Gears of war 4
The Coalition

For whatever reason - mostly the ditching of beloved main character, Marcus Fenix - Gears 4 pretty much came and went, despite being a brilliant The Force Awakens/Creed-style segue of old into new.

Playing this time as Marcus' son, JD Fenix, gameplay is everything you already know and love from Gears, with a couple of updated animations to speed things up. Now you're free to leap over cover and perform an instant-finisher to staggered enemies - and that's on top of the standard array of fatality-style moves you can pull off on downed foes.

Over-shoulder shooting, meaty weapons, chainsaws and a ton of gruff one-liners, Gears 4 has some of the strongest set-pieces in the franchise's history, topped off by a gruffer and more "Totally done with this sh*t" Marcus Fenix and the best graphics on Xbox One.

Gears 4 simply doesn't deserve to become another forgotten sequel like Judgment, and justly deserves your full attention.

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