20 Most Underrated Video Games Of 2016


Superhot game
Superhot Team

This'll be in the running for Game of the Year as we near the close of 2016 (check back on the Gaming section going forward for that), but for now, it's worth highlighting the genre-progressing SUPERHOT as a supremely underrated title, too.

Going with the idea of "time only moving when you do", SUPERHOT is a gateway into reliving every last one of your Matrix-born fantasies from the Wachowski's first masterpiece. You'll stand still and watch time slow to a crawl before edging the analogue stick forward and ducking under bullets, returning fire with perfect precision before leaping into the air and grabbing another opponent's wayward kitana, finishing your run by cleaving the final foe in two.

It's as butter-smooth as that sounds, with all the sound effects and proficient control schemes to back it up. SUPERHOT f*cking owns, and I recommend you give it a shot as soon as possible.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.