20 Most Underrated Video Games Of 2016

16. Deus Ex GO

Deus Ex GO
Square Enix

Of all the 'GO'-named games this year, it's Square Enix's latest that deserves lasting attention. Not knocking the mighty, flash-in-the-pan Pokémon GO, but Squenix Montreal's puzzle-based adaptations of the publisher's many iconic franchises continue to excel.

Building on the grid-based foundations of Hitman GO and Lara Croft GO, Deus Ex introduces many more elements centred around planning two, three, four steps ahead, you'll slowly learn the perfect path through a number of expertly crafted levels.

There's always the big-budget Deus Ex: Mankind Divided if you want your face-stabbing to be way more visceral, but when it comes to the age-old satisfaction of seeing a plan come together, it's this smaller incarnation that truly excels.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

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